Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 4 and Week 5 of Living and Active (Final Weeks)

Even though I didn't get the verse of week three memorized I decided to keep up with the other parts of the challenge. I am still fighting with that  one verse but I have gotten the other weeks and am still getting in my workouts each day.

I haven't measured yet but I am feeling different and am able to do things that I couldn't do previously. Like a backbend for example. Last time I did that was when my oldest boy was little, he is turning 10 in a matter of weeks. Maybe in a few more month I will be brave enough to post pictures of this or other activities I can do.

Most importantly this challenge has also helped me get my children more active. Now my kids are the type that if you send them out they will have a blast for quite some time. However with winter coming I am always having issues with them having more energy than we can deal with on days of snow falling none stop. My solution are Leslie Sansone's walking videos mixed with some of the easier Fitness Blender's that I know they can do.

Thanks to the great ladies I met during this challenge I know I can keep up being LIVING AND ACTIVE and they are there to encourage me.

I hope everyone doing the challenge had a blessed time. I know I did!!

Summer is gone, Winter is coming

The last month has been a blur, with our warm nights gone we are now starting to get ready for winter.

Our first freeze happened on September 27th and it was hard enough that when we went out the next morning all my tomato vines were blackened. 

Because we saw it coming, my husband came home from work and we spent an hour or more outside harvesting everything we could  find to bring in. 

This is what we could bring in, Tomatoes, Winter Sqash, Carrots, some Peppers and only one more Watermelon. My lovely girls wanted to showoff the carrots and watermelon :)
We didn't hardly get any of the tomatoes that were on the vines and found out later after quite a few freezing nights that we could have harvested the green ones and stored them over winter and they would have rippened. Unfortunately it was too late and the vines went flat.

I felt so bad seeing them all out there but they didn't taste very well since they had froze. We are pulling the vines and all the tomatoes so I don't have them all trying to reseed next year.

I did however get a good yield of Spaghetti Squash as you can see.
I had to fight the mice over growing these guys and I only had 2 vines (out of an original 10) going but I am pretty happy with the turnout, I just hope they all were ready since we just brought in everything.

Our strawberry plants are still looking great and so are a few herbs but everything else, including my grapes are down for the season. Praying the grapes will make it thru the winter!!

We also didn't get all of the onions or potatoes, technically the potatoes can still be harvested but I am not sure how long they will store. We had friends come over on Saturday right after the first freeze and they happily took 3 rows of onions. While they were with us they shared some of their chili harvest.
One of many batches roasted.

Now that everything is dead we are ripping it all out and tilling some straw in, now we get to plant some garlic we ordered.

Hope everyone is enjoying the change in weather.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Week 3

Oh boy am I starting to feel this challenge pull on me.

I am finding it harder to get my workouts in and this week I definitely didn't get my verse memorized.

Even though that technically means I am out of the challenge I am going to keep pushing thru.

I am looking at this as more of I lifestyle change and am going to keep working on that verse.

Hope everyone else out there is having a good time with this challenge.