About Me

I am a 30 year old woman that was born and raised in the city. Ten years ago I married the best man in the world and he has blessed me with 4 amazing children. Not long after having our first child we started talking about getting land and moving from the city, I had always wanted to have a "Little House on the Prairie" of my own. Boy did that show make it look easy and fun :-P

Well in Nov 2006 we decided it was time and we found some property, it wasn't what we had originally dreamed of but its our little piece of Serenity.

 I was moved completely out of the city by July 2007.

I quickly learned my way around our solar system and how to rig the generator to keep running until my husband could come home and fix it right.

I learned that hand tilling a garden that is 30x50 feet is ridiculous and that I better start saving for a tiller.

I learned how to make my own soap, milk a goats, raise chickens and ducks and even took care of my friends horses that lived here for awhile.
I even tried venturing into making cheese, but my dear husband was better then I was at that.

I learned that having a wood stove may make a huge mess and take a lot of work to keep going but its way better then propane heaters when your on solar.

I have learned that -10 degree nights are really cold for a desert girl.

I learned that before said cold nights to bottle up as much water as you can, even then you may have to do without running water for awhile. Pipes break when they freeze!!

I am learning to can and preserve food anyway I can.

I am learning that fresh herbs are not just for cooking.

I have also learned that just because you wrote down school lessons on your calendar doesn't mean its going to happen. Some days you have a sick animal or kid that makes it a bit hard for that or some days a friend calls and says I have a ton of whatever do you want it to can up. 

I have also learned that I can do more then I ever thought I could and every year I add new stuff to my list. (Who knows maybe one day I will be brave enough to use that chainsaw that scares the crap out of me right now.)

Each day I become a new woman, one that loves her children with all her heart and loves seeing them discover new things. I love teaching my children exactly what I am doing and why.
I have two children that are learning what herbs fix what problems--they are only 9 and 7 years old but they will forever have this knowledge. 

Serenity is our little piece of heaven, away from all the chaos that made me who I am, a woman that is constantly changing.
One thing that never changes in my life is trying to find what God really wants me to do in life. Without him none of this would be possible. He has been here and watched over us thru every new experience. He had opened doors for me to learn everything and when I get buried I know just who to call and he will be there.

I am a homesteading, homeschooling, housewife and everyday is a new challenge.......I love it!!!!